
Friday 30 December 2011



What is Hatch-Waxman act?

It is the popular name for Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act, 1984. It is considered as the landmark legislation which established the modern system of generic drugs in USA. Hatch-Waxman amendment of the federal food, drug and cosmetics act established the process by which, would be marketers of generic drugs can file Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) to seek FDA approval of generic drugs. Paragraph IV of the act, allows 180 day exclusivity to companies that are the "first-to-file" an ANDA against holders of patents for branded counterparts.

In simple words “Hatch-Waxman act is the amendment to Federal, Food, Drug and Cosmetics act which established the modern system of approval of generics through Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs)”

Significant results due to Hatch-Waxman act-
  • Prior to the Hatch and Waxman act the generic drug manufacturer had to do the entire clinical trials. After the passage of Hatch and Waxman act the generic drug manufacturer had to only prove bioequivalence of generic drug to the innovator drug by showing that the generic drug is 80-125% bioequivalent to the innovator drug.
  • The time and cost involved for getting the generic drug into the market was significantly reduced.
  • Low cost quality, safe and effective generic drugs were available to the patients.
  • Since 1984, over 10,000 generic drugs have entered the market, and generics accounted for close to 50 percent of prescriptions filled (as on august 1, 2003).
  • Billions of dollars in health care costs are being saved annually.

Patents and Exclusivity

Generic drug approval process isn’t less complicated as it involves patent and exclusivity issues. If any New Molecular Entity (NME) is approved, it is granted a exclusivity period of 5 years, which could be extended to 3 more years for supplements requiring clinical trials.

Patent Certifications

As per the Hatch and Waxman act, generic drug and 505 (b) (2) applicants should include certifications in their applications for each patent listed in the “Orange Book” for the innovator drug. This certification must state one of the following:
  • (I) that the required patent information relating to such patent has not been filed (Para I certification);
  • (II) that such patent has expired (Para II certification);
  • (III) that the patent will expire on a particular date (Para III certification); or
  • (IV) that such patent is invalid or will not be infringed by the drug, for which approval is being sought(Para IV certification).
A certification under paragraph I or II permits the ANDA to be approved immediately, if it is otherwise eligible. A certification under paragraph III indicates that the ANDA may be approved when the patent expires.

A paragraph IV certification, however, begins a process in which the question of whether the listed patent is valid or will be infringed by the proposed generic product may be answered by the courts before the expiration of the patent. Under the current regulations, the ANDA applicant who files a paragraph IV certification to a listed patent must notify the patent owner and the NDA holder for the listed drug that it has filed an ANDA containing a patent challenge. Until the effective date of FDA’s final rule, all patents submitted and listed in the Orange Book that are the subject of a paragraph IV certification require notice to the NDA holder and patent owner. The notice must include a detailed statement of the factual and legal basis for the ANDA applicant’s opinion that the patent is not valid or will not be infringed.

The submission of an ANDA for a drug product claimed in a patent is an infringing act if the generic product is intended to be marketed before expiration of the patent. Accordingly, the ANDA applicant who submits an application containing a paragraph IV certification may be sued for patent infringement. If the NDA holder or patent owner files a patent infringement suit against the ANDA applicant within 45 days of the receipt of notice, FDA may not give final approval to the ANDA for at least 30 months from the date of that notice. This 30-month stay will delay approval of the generic drug product unless the court reaches a decision earlier in the patent infringement case or otherwise orders a longer or shorter period for the stay.

180 Day Exclusivity

The Hatch-Waxman Amendments provide an incentive of 180 days of market exclusivity to the “first” generic applicant who challenges a listed patent by filing a paragraph IV certification and thereby runs the risk of having to defend a patent infringement suit.

The statute provides that the first applicant to file a substantially complete ANDA containing a paragraph IV certification to a listed patent will be eligible for a 180-day period of exclusivity beginning either from the date it begins commercial marketing of the generic drug product, or from the date of a court decision finding the patent invalid, unenforceable or not infringed, whichever is first.

180 Day Exclusivity could be granted to more than one applicant. The recent example is- 180 day exclusivity was granted to Ranbaxy and Watson Laboratories for marketing generic version of  Lipitor ( Atorvastatin calcium).

Keywords: Drug price competition and patent term restoration act-1984, ANDA, generics,180 day exclusivity, 80-125% bioequivalence,  505 (b) (2) application,  Para I certification, Para II certification, Para III certification, Para IV certification.


A generic drug product is the one, that is comparable to an innovator drug product in dosage form, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use.


  1. Replies

      We have been having recent complains from individuals about how they lost money 💵 to SPAMMERS who call themselves HACKERS or BANK LOAN OFFERS. They are all over the internet sharing false testimonies. Please do not fall for their lies for this is just a way to LURE you to them.

      They say lies in the likes of such-:
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      These are all lies and you shouldn’t fall for them.

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      Please know that we do not charge you for Fund Recovery Service, Our Funds Recovery Service is to help and so it’s Free.

      We also provide Legit Hacking Services such as-:
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      No. +1 (808) 600 0773 (number also available on WhatsApp)


      It Tears me Up Whenever we receive complaints from Clients About Their Experience With the Hackers They Met Before They Heard about us.
      These Days There Are alot of Hackers Online, You Just Have to Be Careful about who you meet for help, because many people now don't know who to ask for help anymore but there's actually a solution to that which I am giving you for free, Don't go out there seeking for Hackers Yourself, Because the probability of getting a Real Hacker Out there Is Very Slim . ❌❌ ❌ Most Of Them are actually not who they say they're, they are just here to Rip people Off, You Can Always Identify Them With Their False Advertisements and False Testimonies Trying To Lure you Into their Arms, And most of them use yahoomails, gmails and other cheaper email providers which could easily expose their vulnerabilities, Please Don’t Fall For Them🚷 Come To Think Of It, Why would a Legit Hacker Be using a gmail or a cheap email provider that exposes his vulnerabilities????⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Well, Our Purpose Here Is To Link You Up With Top Legit Hackers With Great Online Reputations and Impressive LinkedIn Profiles That’ll Blow Your Mind.

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      ••• Email:

      🔘2020 © composite cybersecurity specialists
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      🔘All Rights Reserved ®️

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    Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS:
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    I’ve been reluctant in purchasing this blank ATM card i heard about online because everything seems too good to be true, but i was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got the card from [Mr Okhide] & we both confirmed it really works, without no delay i gave it a go. Ever since then I’ve been withdrawing $5000 daily from the card & the money .has been in my own account. So glad i gave it a try at last & this card has really changed my life financially without getting caught, its real & truly works though its illegal but made me rich!! If you need this card don't hesitate to contact him through his email address: or WhatsApp: +44(752)060-6341 ..


    I’ve been reluctant in purchasing this blank ATM card i heard about online because everything seems too good to be true, but i was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got the card from [Mr Okhide] & we both confirmed it really works, without no delay i gave it a go. Ever since then I’ve been withdrawing $5000 daily from the card & the money .has been in my own account. So glad i gave it a try at last & this card has really changed my life financially without getting caught, its real & truly works though its illegal but made me rich!! If you need this card don't hesitate to contact him through his email address: or WhatsApp: +44(752)060-6341 ..

  18. me and my husband are here to testify about how we use Oscar White black ATM card to make money and also have our own business today. Go get your blank ATM card today and be among the lucky ones. This PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world.It has really changed our life for good and now we can say we are rich and we can never be poor again. You can withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily and $140,000 a month, We can proudly say our business is doing fine and we have up to $20,000 000 (20 millions dollars in our account) Is not illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you..For details and cost on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : or what's-app him +1(513)-299-8247 .

  19. I read about on the internet as one of the best hacker ever and am really glad this hacker was able to do the job most hackers could not do, am forever grateful to I have come across 2 to 3 hackers but yet they fail me at the end but just my first contact with I got the best ever with out being traced by my spouse.

  20. If you have got problems differentiating between real and fake hackers or you have been involved with a hacker who scammed you just like I encountered in my research of hacking my cheating spouse phone till I found the best, so all I will say is worry not, I was privileged to come in contact with the best who has never failed me when it comes to hacking, is everything you are searching for. Email and thank me later for showing you the best of all…. am really grateful for everything you have done for me not just for me for the world you have indeed put a lot of smiles on so many people faces by giving the the best services ever we are forever grateful

  21. I noticed a lot of changes on my spouse, so much attitude unnecessary anger and many more which he has never showed to me before though it all started 2 months ago I keep asking where and where did I go Wrong but I could not pick were I went wrong not until I used the services to hack into my spouse phone after the whole job was done I was able to read a lot from my spouse phone and from all I gathered my spouse has someone he regards to well more than me.. my husband is cheating on me I never believed what I saw on his phone but all thanks to

  22. Never fall for scammers, I had several encounters with them and they end up not doing anything for me.. all I needed is just a phone hack nothing else well my happiness today is this hacker corrected so many things and was able to help me gain access to the phone have been longing to hack into am forever happy Thank you.

  23. So many people on blogs saying good things about being the best when it comes to cracking of cell phones with a lot of passcodes on every applications, breaking into emails without notifications, getting GPS from someone device I cant even mention all because does a lot of technical hack so with this good reviews I saw online I decided to work with this hacker and truly what people all over the blogs and internet are saying about is true I tested his services I am really impressed this hacker gave me the best in cracking of my girlfriend iPhone 12 without trace of her phone being hacked and all this was done at a very affordable price thanks to the team (

  24. Having a low credit score is really bad which affected me in so many ways but all thanks to you for helping me in improving my credit score am really happy and also feel relived all this were done at a very affordable price incase you need similar services from tell him I referred you.

  25. So many cheating spouse out there but am glad I got solutions in catching my cheating spouse red handed and that solution is this hacker is always at alert when it comes

  26. This days my wife values her job more than I and the kids it was becoming so so suspicious that I could not hold it any longer I has to seek solutions from after a quick hack on her cell phone I discovered my suspicions about my wife were all right.. my wife has been cheating on me for a while now and I never took note not until I came in contact with and I knew the truth

  27. I was all in debt and was confused about what to do with my life until i found this great hacker on the internet with wonderful reviews in different blog about credit repairs and how good he is. So i contacted him and explained all my problems to him and i was surprised when he said he's ready to help me with the little money i have with me. He help me clear all the negative items and the Eviction on my credit report, late payment were marked as paid and increase my credit score to 795 excellent and i got approved for car loans, house loans and all. He also help me clear all my credit cards debts. He's real, honest and affordable. Kindly contact him with the following details and get your credit fixed fast.

  28. My girlfriend blocked me on her Instagram and I felt a lot has been going on, on her account which she doesn’t want me to know about I hired to help me break into her account and this hacker gave me the best without me being caught.

  29. Lol trust me I cant be messed with by any man because got me covered if you feel you can cheat on me and think I would not find out lol try it and watch me catch you red handed with

  30. I caught my wife with the help of cheating on me via snapchat after I found out that my wife has been a cheater I decided to run a DNA test on our child and I discovered that the child was never mine am heart broken I gave this woman all she needs took care of her I made sure she lacks nothing and yet all I get in returns is this am so grateful to you if not for you I would have been leaving in the dark taking care of another mans child thank you.

  31. Thank God for it was with the help of this hacker I knew my wife was planning to poison me Though have been in contact with for a while now and also this hacker was able to gain access to my wife iPhone 12 Pro max after we gained full control of my spouse phone for over 5 months now just yesterday I got notified right on my phone of a particular text messages my wife deleted and I was able to read her deleted text messages and I read her conversation with the man she has been planning with to kill me so that they can continue there love life without me been an obstacle I will never stop appreciating you, you are the best am happy my time, funds and everything was never in vain.

  32. I'm Marian Loiuse from New York, United State, I had financial challenges during the pandemic crisis, was trying to read something online when I come across a trading forex broker site that seems very interested, I contacted them and they responded so fast so I decided to trade with the broker hoping to earn a lot of profit at the end, I started with my $3,500 US Dollar's savings and ended up paying $187,690 US dollars. All my savings and property funds were gone and more payment was needed from me until I realized it was nothing but a scam, my life was drained out of me and I was helpless at this point in time, had so much depth and pressure on me, so luckily my friend was in a mutual relationship to a very popular world hacker who then directed me to ''Wizard William Mitnick  Quick Recovery AT Programmer DOT Net''.  After reaching out to Wizard William via ''wizardWilliamMitnickquickrecovery (AT) programmer (DOT) net''  he then responded and ask me about my case and then ask me to reach him also on WhatsApp ''+1'' (559) 851/ (5537)  and I did as he instructed me. finally, my funds were recovered back to my ETH wallet within 48 hours, all thanks to Wizard William.  He was the angel that was sent to save me from death.   

  33. Please everyone should be careful and stop being deceived by all these brokers and account managers, they scammed me over $50,000 of my investment capital, they kept on requesting extra funds before a withdrawal request can be accepted and processed, in the end, I lost all my money. All efforts to reach out to their customer support desk had declined, I found it very hard to move on. God so kind I followed a broadcast that teaches on how scammed victims can recover their funds, I contacted the email provided for consultation, I got feedback after some hours and I was asked to provide all legal details concerning my investment, I did exactly what they instructed me to do without delay, to my greatest surprise I was able to recover my money back including my profit which my capital generated. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back. Direct WhatsApp contact: +1 (559) 851-5537

  34. I just have to introduce this hacker that I have been working with him on getting my credit score been boosted across the Equifax, TransUnion and Experian report. He made a lot of good changes on my credit report by erasing all the past eviction, bad collections and DUI off my credit report history and also increased my FICO score above 876 across my three credit bureaus report you can contatc him for all kind of hacks . Email him here via Email him here via or whatsapp Number: +1 213 295 1376.

  35. Have you been defrauded by deceptive Bitcoin traders? Or are you seeking to recover funds you lost on telegram accounts to take over hackers/rippers?. I personally will recommend no one other than Secure2invest. This is the least I could do for them after they saved my life by helping me recover up to 3.966BTC in less than two weeks from an online ripper lately. I got referred to them via my colleague at work , they also helped his spouse recover tokens and coins lost to scams .I'm glad I got in contact with this specialist because I would have most likely fallen victim to another online fraudster all in the name of them trying to help me. I owe this people a lot because it is so hard to see legit help online. Are you having similar issues with your BTC Wallet,Don't get scammed by these online fraudsters, contact ,they are the most efficient and most trusted recovery expert on here

  36. Have you been scammed by FAKE INVESTMENT COMPANIES, FAKE BINARY OPTIONS, FAKE FOREX TRADE? You do not need to worry anymore. We at secure2invest are a team of intellectuals that specify on Bitcoin recovery services. You might think you have lost all your chances of recovering your money from the scam company but n0 you have not. We have the right tools needed to carry out a perfect recovery. So if you need to recover your lost or stolen crypto, contact us now by visiting our website


    Has anyone here heard about blank ATM card? An ATM card that allows you to withdraw cash from any Atm machine in the world. No name required, no address required and no bank account required. The Atm card is already programmed to dispense cash from any Atm machine worldwide. I heard about this Atm card online but at first i didn't pay attention to it because everything seems too good to be true, but i was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got the card from guarantee Atm card vendor. We both went to the ATM machine center and confirmed it really works, without delay i gave it a go. Ever since then I’ve been withdrawing $1,500 to $5000 daily from the blank ATM card & this card has really changed my life financially. I just bought an expensive car and am planning to get a house. For those interested in making quick money should contact them on: Email address : or WhatsApp him on +1(323)-723-2568

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    Recovering lost Bitcoin can require unique hacking skills and expertise that are possessed by only a handful of professional hackers. While there are many recovery websites out there, it’s important to be cautious as 99% of them are operated by scammers who try to appear legitimate. Instead, it’s best to seek out a trusted hacker like Recovery Masters who can help you recover your funds. They were able to recover $355k worth of BTC that I had lost to bitcoin mining. To get in touch with Recovery Masters, you can contact them via email ( ) or whatsapp +1(551) 202-23-35

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. What would I have done without your help Mr James Mckay Wizard?.. I'm most grateful and am writing a review for you with a grateful heart. Thanks for helping me get my life back together and especially helping me to clear my credit debts that my wife had maxed out and even more thanks for helping me get the proof I need to go through with the court proceeds. My wife has always been a cheater and I never would have had helped without you, she would have took away my children and all my money. If you are looking to hire a good cyber hacker and recovering agent he is the man for you contact him here: or What'sapp +919863293475..


  54. “I invested with a Crypto broker without proper research to know what I was hoarding my hard-earned money into, only to find out it was a hoax and sham. I invested over $180,000 USD estimated to be 6.3 BTC. I was unable to make any withdrawals out of my initial deposits let alone the gains he claimed I have earned even after meeting the bogus fees and charges he is always requesting. Fortunately, I got to know about Century Hacker's Bitcoin recovery programmers through research and positive reviews on Google. After a couple of hours consulting with them, all my funds were recovered including my profits. I can’t thank these guys enough for making me not another prey to these scammers. Thank you Century Hackers. Consult them via:
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